Steps on How to Execute Dream Plans:
1. Imagine being in the dream. A dreaming person ought to imagine well what it could actually be like living in his dream. And in imagining well, it does not mean seeing only happy faces, perfect health, or the ability to hoard wealth, but to foresee downfalls as well. Putting into mental imagery both the positive and negative probabilities of a dream plan will further determine the degree of commitment a person can sustain throughout the course plan. This initial step may seem too simple (since all dreams root from imagination) but here lies the cruciality of saving one's self from a terrible mistake: planning the wrong dream. Hence, include in daydreaming the disappointments, frustration and failure that can come along the way, then gauge if the dream is right for you and if it is still worth committing to.
2. Commit to the dream itself. I give way to a German quote in explaining this: "Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth that ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one's favor all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamed would have come his way." Do your best.
3. Make use of your resources. A farmer has no ability to perform an appendectomy in the same manner as a surgeon lacking skills to harvest crops. Each of us has our own learnt skills and abilities and there is no man who can do each and every task there is in this planet. Therefore, a person needs other people to do work that he has no knowledge of in order to execute a plan. For example, an entrepreneur dreaming of owning a restaurant will need a big sum of money. If he lacks funds, this person may seek financial assistance from his relatives, friends or apply for a bank loan. There really is no man that's an island. Seek help if you must. Ask for assistance when needed. And just so suddenly you might realize, the goal is almost within your reach.
4. Pray. This is a given. No doubt. But what to pray for? Of course, the man must pray for the dream plan to come as a reality. And pray that the dream plan is right for him, that from it will spring fulfillment, contentment and peace of mind. It is quite tricky to yearn for something one is not ready for. So pray for guidance.
5. Design a Plan B. There is no straight path toward achieving a goal. And there is no absolute guarantee of success no matter how detailed a blueprint is. So planning an alternative is not only a wise thing to do, it must be a must.
6. Wait. Once every effort has been exhausted and every possible resource or aid has been achieved and the dream plan seems closer than how it was and there seems to be silence from the universe and nothing else, the waiting time begins. As Paulo Coelho had it on his By The River Piedra I Sat Down And Wept, "Waiting is painful. Forgetting is painful. But not knowing which to do is the worst kind of suffering." When everything has been done, there is nothing else a man can do at this point but remain vigilant of any sign and repeat the fourth step.
7. Open your senses. This goes together with the sixth. A waiting man must have his senses ready for the slightest trace of message from the universe or from heaven. He who waits must have eyes open to external signals and closed to worldly distractions. An expectant man should have a heart in tranquil in order to hear internal messages that he himself is delivering. So do not haste. Instead, continue to wait until your instincts tell you otherwise.
8A. Execute plan B. Only if the signals sent convey futility of waiting for the dream plan to happen. If a man finds himself living the other dream and not his first choice, he must rejoice. For his prayer was answered. For he has found the dream that's right for him. For he does not have to suffer living the dream that would just bring him anything but satisfaction and happiness.
8B. Grab it. Own it. Commit more. Pray more. And muster all the gusto in it.
9. Share the story. Spoken. In paper. Through music. To a stranger. To a baby. To a friend. To a pet. Because any man's words might be the message that another person from a distant town is waiting for.
10. Give back. Most importantly, give thanks by giving back. A man who has taken so much from the world must know how to give back. This is so because sharing makes the dream exist longer. And he must be aware that it can be greater than what he has received. Or that it can be given in small portions to many. Repeat fourth step.
"True success comes from within. It is a function of who we are and what we do. It emerges from the mysterious chemistry of our abilities and passion and hard work and commitment. True success is something we earn privately and whose value we determine for ourselves. The outside world can reward us with money, but it cannot anoint us with this deeper and more personal kind of success. "
-Peter Buffett, Life Is What You Make It"